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Old 18th April 2015, 02:23 PM
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plasterface plasterface is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by suziginajackson View Post
From FaceBook:

"High Rising Productions

After six years of working in a business that has gradually eroded our sanity, we are proud to announce that High Rising Productions will soon be no more.

Thanks to 88 Films for, over the past year, giving us a new injection of enthusiam (and then seeing their slasher line inspire, with titles aggresively bid upon, by a label which expressed no previous interest in such films to us and has, clearly, suddenly noticed fan interest in this 'disreputable' genre. This is not a criticism per se as we are happy for the fans.).

We also have to thank, in particular, Bob at Grindhouse Releasing for restoring our faith in what we do and giving us much needed pep talks over the years. This man has an Oscar and is a great example of a good, humble, encouraging personality.

Our last project is a new UK edition of INVADERS OF MARS from Final Cut Entertainment. We'll confirm more details soon.

As always, thanks to our supporters. The biggest delight of High Rising was also the one we never publicised or took responsibility for - bringing some of your favourite acquisitions back to UK shelves. Whilst trolls were trolling, we have been - for six years - suggesting and locating rights holders for movies that otherwise may never have seen the light of day in HD."
Boy this kicked things off on facebook if that aint a criticism of arrow I dont know what is, i'll miss the quality of their extras
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