Originally Posted by suziginajackson More from the High Rising FB page: "Just to remind anyone that if you pre-order the Arrow USA edition of PIT STOP you are supporting the theft of our work. We were paid and assigned to work on this title for the UK ONLY - we never knew about a USA release and if we had we would have negotiated for such. The fact Arrow paid us for their use of our work on their USA release of MARK OF THE DEVIL only attests to the fact they are/ were aware they cannot use our material for other territories without negotiating with us.
Once they did such discussions - now they don't. Sadly.
Despite having a company worth seven figures and running a Kickstarter which netted over $100,000 for an American launch, this is how Arrow has chosen to now do business with us - two people who worked tirelessly and often selflessly for them (these events in Glasgow, for instance, were done unpaid - only Arrow took a cut of the door, not us... we really did all we could to increase their visibility in these early years). Whilst I will always accept companies hiring new people, moving on or generally just a clash of interests, this current situation is unthinkably unpleasant. I'm also amazed my name is on the sleeve of this title when I was told, quite explictly, by the label manager that Arrow wanted to move away from being "the Calum show".
Highlighting my involvement in this material is an enormous step back for them and confusing for both myself and Naomi.
The UK edition of Pit Stop, a film we were proud and honoured to have worked on, and a movie which Arrow has done a first class job restoring, with the care and time expected from their excellent technical team, is region free. We appreciate if you import that instead. The USA edition may say "director approved" but the extras are not cleared and we feel helpless in terms of what we can do (Arrow has banned us from commenting on their facebook page).
We are perplexed and upset things have turned out like this." |
This all getting very messy. I have alway thought though that there are two sides to a story and i would have liked to have heard Arrow's take on events, but i am guessing maybe for legal reasons that is not going to happen. This open criticism is not doing anyone any favours.