Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs In any line of business communication is the key.
You communicate with the people that matter ie - the customers - whilst you are serving surely.
There is a difference. I get what Ant says. Even Code Red who are a one man operation, communicate frequently with his customers via social media.
Naturally not every question needs to be answered, but some do. Such as updates on the Kickstarter campaign that so many subscribed to.
88's output is top notch if they can just sort out a way of reaching people then all would be perfect. |
I run a four man business.There isn't enough hours in the day sometimes.
88 Films are two guys,so with the quantity and quality of the output,perhaps there isn't the time to answer every question put to them.
WTF is it with internet forums?
I see patterns emerging here,Shameless,Arrow and now 88 Films-to begin with,are the second coming of niche and genre titles,and when they don't pander to every whim on internet forums,suddenly the tables turn and they are 'nitpicked' at every turn.
Now before anyone says 'but without customers they'll have no sales' yeah,the same works in reverse-without the dedication of individuals,we'd still be sitting watching 10th generation ****ed up,cut vhs tapes.
As for Code Red,I'd use the word 'communicate' very sparingly.If you can consider verbal abuse to his customers communicating,then yeah he does and he
excels at it.
I know.I've been there with him.Spent a fortune in his online shop only not to recieve the goods and then have to
plead with him to recieve them.And-if it wasn't for the intervention of a member here,I never would have.
People need to step back and look at what these small labels provide us with and weigh up whether it's worth causing a storm in a teacup.
Trust me.If this pattern continues,then we'll all be importing from the US of A.