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Old 26th May 2015, 07:52 PM
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Steel76 Steel76 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Sweden

Just because some people accept mediocre transfers, doesn't mean we all should just close our eyes for transfers that have major flaws, like scanner noise.
That scanner noise puts a fuzzy layer on top of the image, blocking out the fine details we come to expect from a 35mm transfer.

Blu-Ray is still an enthusiast format, compared to DVD.

If we didn´t point out flaws, then we wouldn't have gotten the improved transfers of movies like "Tenebre", "Demons", "Zombie" etc.
And thanks to our complaints, we also got an improved transfer of "The Beyond" from Arrow, with corrected colors and contrast.

Why should we just shut up and accept the flaws??
I watch my filth and grue on: Super 8mm, VHS, Beta, V-2000, CED, LD, DVD, BD and UHD.
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