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Old 27th May 2015, 11:24 AM
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Steel76 Steel76 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Sweden

Actually the Grindhouse release of Cannibal Holocaust, DID leave the Shamless disc in the dust. The Shameless disc had heavy scanner noise problems, while the Grindhouse disc had natural filmgrain, which was a mix of 16mm and 35mm footage. Though the Grindhouse disc DID have a few problems with compression artifacts. But even so, the Grindhouse disc looked MUCH better, since it didn´t have that scanner noise, and had much more fine-details intact.

Maybe we should make a thread dedicated to that damn LVR lab and their love for scanner noise?
I watch my filth and grue on: Super 8mm, VHS, Beta, V-2000, CED, LD, DVD, BD and UHD.
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