Damn, what a shitty situation.
Well, at least that explains, why it is so damn hard for international labels to get a hold of the negatives, to do their own scans.
I knew that film was pretty much dead in Italy, and it has been that way since the 90:s. But I didn´t know that they had closed down all those labs.
Well, then I guess that we sadly are going to be stuck with the scanner noise, even in the future, if LVR is one of the few left.
It´s too bad, as we know how beautiful those Italian movies can look, when done properly, with modern scanners. Just take a look at Arrows "Zombie Flesh Eaters" and "Demons" (especially with the extra color correction done on Synapse´s Demons discs).
Let´s just hope, that most of the transfers from Italy, don´t reach the levels of that "Tenebre" transfer, used on Arrows first release of the movie.