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Old 1st July 2015, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I've just been reading about Night Train to Terror and was wondering if I should take a punt.

Sounds interesting but can anyone tell me anything about it, is it similar to anything I may have seen - it looks cheesy, but that's a good thing imo.
It is cheesy!

It's basically a low-budget horror anthology type film where God and The Devil are on a train and tell each other stories in order to barter for souls of the victims from the stories. This is interspersed with cheesy '80s dance routines performed by the occupants of the train. For comparison, I guess it's kind of like a cross between Dr. Terror's House of Horrors and The Monster Club. If you like horror anthologies filled with plenty of melted Monterey Jack then you should enjoy it.
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