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Old 15th July 2015, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by JAMIOUSE View Post
So Zombi Holocaust, it's one hell of a goofy movie and always will be. The transfer is ok, not great but ok. Some scenes fair better than others which could well be because of the film stock used and conditions. It's certainly grainy occasionally very grainy, could this be the one transfer where DNR could have helped?
Only if the grain was overly heavy and unnatural, obscuring detail. As it is though, I thought it was natural film grain and the film looked superb, but I would have to compare it to the Shrek Show/Media Blasters Blu-ray, probably watching them back-to-back to see which is the better of the two.

Originally Posted by JAMIOUSE View Post
All in all 88 have done the best job possible, Holocaust is never going to look amazing it's an old Italian, cheaply made horror film. As I type this I'm watching the Eaten Alive documentary, the Holocaust scenes used as inserts look pretty good, where they taken from an SD master or somewhere else?
I'm certain the Eaten Alive documentary was made before Zombi Holocaust was fully remastered, so the inserts were probably taken from a DVD.
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