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Old 27th July 2015, 11:19 AM
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Location: Belgium

Heist (2001)

Initially surprised this was from 2001, it looked like it could have been made in the late 80's (feel and style) except for the occasional cell phone and some other newer technology. Same director as the fabulous House of Games (1987).

Originally intended as a conveniently located test disc for my new home cinema set up, this quickly grabbed me (I'm a big fan of old heist films)...and certainly provided an entertaining watch but not without some small grievances on my behalf (I wonder if the movie was shortened which led to some small plot holes or if the director wanted to keep his audience completely in the dark?).
Nevertheless I certainly enjoyed the general mood and feel of the film.

PS it looked great (for an upscaled dvd) on my new system btw.

Last edited by bdc; 27th July 2015 at 02:10 PM.
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