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Old 9th August 2015, 09:57 PM
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Octopussy. This was the Roger Moore Bond that I have the least familiarity with. I don't recall seeing it as a kid (though I may have forgotten - understandable if I did) and only vaguely recall seeing it about 20 years ago and having the vague feeling that it was a bit dull. Having seen it again... it's very dull. Octopussy is almost certainly Rog's worst Bond, failing on almost every level. The plot is boring, the villains are boring (and the guy who should be the main villain, Steven Berkoff's mad Russian General who as it turns out - eventually - wants to set off a nuke inside the US, is barely in the film) and even the ladies are strikingly unmemorable. To be fair, the last 40 minutes are an improvement and have some decent action and excitement, but that doesn't excuse the first 90 for being so agonisingly boring. Honestly, until the 90 minute mark all the story seems to be about is counterfeit golden eggs. Who thought that was a compelling plot for anything, let alone a James Bond film? Having now sampled it again, I can see why it's the only Moore to have slipped entirely from my memory!
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