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Old 11th August 2015, 11:09 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave Boy View Post


"Licence to kill rodents". Very funny goings on at a golf course when the course is infested by a Gopher. Bill Murray tries all sorts to rid the course of the pest. Awesome scene when a chocolate bar is chucked in the swimming pool. Rodney Dangerfield enters with more money than sense and an illegal golf contest begins. Great fun.
"50 bucks say he eats it!!"

As promised...

Paranormal Activity 3 (2011, Joost/Schulman)
Let's go back to your childhood.
Were you ever haunted by a demon?
Would you forget this??
Or would you just treat your audience like idiots??
As the female lead in the first film says that her childhood home was destroyed in a fire (after they find a charred photo), I wondered how this would pan out. Simple enough to achieve. but no, they literally change the goal posts. so, if this utterly fright free sequel is to be believed, good old granny is the leader of a coven hellbent (cough) on sacrificing her two grandchildren to whatever entity they worshhip. This contradicts the 1st film completely. Ok, you can say that they cast some spell to make them forget, but this is not the vibe that this pile of arse gives off. Never mind the fact that the picture quality is superior to PA, even though it's set in the 80s? It Follows had a better sense of period!! Ahem. and it didn't even have the bit from the trailer I was waiting for.....

Also, I noted the huuuuuuge houses that these people all live in. Which means I could shoe horn them into the same genre as Eden Lake haha. But I won't.

The Centerfold Girls (1974, John Peyser)
It comes to something when the killer is the only stand up guy in the film. The rest of the cast are either totally venal or lilylivered. Recommended!!

Room 237
At some point I am rewatching The bloody Shining. This is still a funny mockumentary. Or is it all true??? Who cares?

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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