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Old 11th August 2015, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by TJ Doc View Post
Fantastic Four (the new one)

In retrospect, perhaps PG-13 Cronenbergian body horror wasn't the best direction to take this franchise in.

I mean, it's not unwatchably bad (and gets enjoyably violent once Doctor Doom finally shows up), but it really doesn't work.
Just takes so long for anything to actaully happen and by that point I was so bored I didn't care, the films only 100 minutes but I'm sure it's well over half way before anything happens. How could they screw up the source material so bad, I'm not talking about Johnny being black I was fine with that with being so few black superheroes but I think they should of went the whole hog and and had Sue as well instead of her being adopted.

Don't get me started on the "actor" playing Reed god he had the personality of a plank of wood and the acting ability to match, this is the only film I've seen him in and have no intention of watching anything else with him in, and yet again they get doom completely wrong, how hard is it to do a good Doom!

You just know a film is going to fail when the words "hip" " cool" and " appeal to young people " are mentioned by the studio and it turns out not to be any of those things.

I still stand by my rating of 2.5/10 but with it only being 100 minutes I will give it half a point more. I doubt we will see the sequel planned for 2017 once it's been forgotten I expect next year fox to annonnce another reboot Of the FF just so the rites don't go back to Disney

Last edited by trebor8273; 11th August 2015 at 02:04 PM.
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