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Old 23rd August 2015, 07:11 PM
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SharonLynette SharonLynette is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by SharonLynette View Post
Now, I had a vague recollection of there being a thread to identify films that you may have half a recollection of but I couldn't find it so I'm plonking this plea here as this is a heavily used thread. Obviously I haven't seen this film recently as I can't remember it.

I don't remember much and I doubt it will ring any direct bells with anyone but I'm just hoping someone might know.

I'm pretty sure I watched it on Channel 4, mid to late 90s, late night. I don't think it was horror but it may have been sexy.

I don't even know if it was English language or where it was set other than Europe. Girl, boarding dance school. Not Suspiria, Not Étoile.

I really know this isn't much to go by at all, I don't think my description would do it but if anyone knows what was shown late night on Channel 4 (or BBC 2) throughout the 90s I might just get somewhere.

Now I wonder if I'm mixing memories. After much searching, the film First Name: Carmen has the right kind of buildings and lighting..
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