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Old 19th September 2015, 09:08 AM
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Gold6082 Gold6082 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Good Trader
Join Date: May 2009
Location: West Sussex

We are Still Here

The Fantastic Barbara Crampton and her Husband move into a house in a nice snowy US town,their son has recently died and they hope unusual encounters are his presence in their new home... not quite this film blends a nice mix of original & predictable and comes out with an enjoyable yarn which at times can get confusing. 7/10

Last Shift

Complete Borefest Dross. A rookie policewoman takes her first overnight shift at the cop shop and encounters all kinds of weird and nasty. The film tried to throw together a mix of stolen plot from "the eater" which featured in both Urban Gothic Season 2 in the Uk & In The Usa in the short lived "Fear Itself" series. Then tried to do a Val Kilmeresque character from the Traveller.

It does not know where it wants to go and fails miserably on all fronts. Even the evil presence couldn't decide whether he wanted to go out in his leatherface mask or his Trick R Treat Mask so threw a sad imitation of the 2 crossed together 2/10


Poor show from the team involved in Dark Water & The Grudge. A bloke who has worse acting skills than the entire cast of Eldorado combined reads a "Newspaper of Terror" not the Daily mail though being asian which tells him his daughter is dead and died at 8pm. As 8pm approaches you guessed it....

anyway after walkiing around the accident scene like he has piles and needs to relieve himself and throwing himself on the ground being winded by his wife tapping his back he crawls across the road on all fours doing an impression of a Gibbon in heat. After finally getting up off the ground the film moves forwards 3 years. Again he gets a premonition from the "newspaper of Terror" and blah blah... Obviously it's a right wing paper

This film trys to be a mix of Final Destination,Grand theft auto & Back to the future and screws up nearly every single aspect. 2/10


My Asian Double Bill improved vastly with this second film. This is quite possibly one of the best Japanese films I've ever seen. It is original,clever downright nasty,surreal,odd and with hints of black Humour.

We are even treated to an irrelevent scene where a teacher dances left to right with a tambourine while he and his pupils sing along to the 1979 Kc & The Sunshine Band Track "That's the way I Like It" O...k it was probably added as light relief from the brutal no holds barred premise of the rest of the film.

This film goes back and forth in time and is very clever as well as excellent it requires a great deal of concentration any interruption you'll lose the plot literally. 9/10


Odd film where 3 slappers visit Thailand and upset a statue that looks like a human shaped chocolate coin in foil. after walking backwards into it (yes that's right simply walking into it) Tapping on the wall with a hammer to raise zombies anyone? (Burial Ground) the upset foil wrapped wench overtakes all 3 of the women's bodies and forces them to exact brutal revenge on 3 halfwits that don't exactly paint us Brits as decent people if these 3 are our representatives. They then the next day get amnesia "what happened last night" blah blah... watchable but nothing to write home about 3/10
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