Just watched Arrow's blu of
Bound (1996) last night. Joins Spider Baby and King of New York as exceptional Arrow Video blind buys, whose films I may never have heard of, or not a long while at least, unless Arrow released it. To me this is why Arrow and similar companies are so great, particurlarly for us cinephiles, as they keep underseen/underrated cult films which will never likely get a digital release alive for rediscovery.
Brilliant cinematography, writing, characters, performances, editing and a killer score/soundtrack all blend into an amazing cinematic experience. One of the finest 90's films in my book, a cult gem. Much better than Pulp Fiction, in book, aswell
Very interesting and engaging interviews for the various extras swell. All in all a top package from Arrow and now one of my most cherished.
Film - 9/10
Extras - 10/10