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Old 24th September 2015, 04:07 PM
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Nosferatu@Cult Labs Nosferatu@Cult Labs is offline
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Second new Slasher Title:

A year before the slasher boom really hit its stride with John Carpenter's legendary trendsetter HALLOWEEN, there was DRIVE-IN MASSACRE - an early slice and dice prototype that is finally achieving its rightful reappraisal courtesy of a brand new 2k scan from the splatter movie addicts at 88 Films! This worldwide HD debut indicates that DRIVE-IN MASSACRE was, in many ways, ahead of its time - spinning a sleazy story about a clueless police investigation into a madman who is carving up spectators at outdoor cinemas across California! Introducing the sort of giallo framework that the post-FRIDAY THE 13th teenkill genre would later take as its own, DRIVE-IN MASSACRE was directed with the expert grindhouse touch of Stu Segall, the man who oversaw Marilyn Chambers in INSATIABLE (1980) before producing such hit TV series as RENEGADE. A lively and lacerating bout of lunatic slasher energy, 88 Films is proud to give DRIVE-IN MASSACRE its worldwide BluRay bow in a new transfer approved by Segall himself!

Extras and details TBC
(Coming Early 2016)

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