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Old 26th September 2015, 07:48 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Location: UK


Fantastic film, that's tense, claustrophobic and well acted. This is the third film with lead actor Nick Damici that I have really enjoyed the other two being stakeland and late phases. The only downside is the godawful UK artwork and title, as the film has nothing whatsoever to do with zombies, but is people that have mutated into rat/man hybrids after being bitten by mutated rats. 9/10


So bad it's absolutely brilliant. Completely OTT and bonkers tale of vampires in modern day LA. Highlight for me had to be the completely bonkers and OTT performance from Rod Steiger as Van helsing who hires a group of gang bangers in his quest to rid the world of vampires, who also turns out to be a nazi war criminal. Very tongue in cheek with nearly all the cast given OTT performances. 8/10
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