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Old 28th September 2015, 11:13 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Great reviews Keir, Room 237 is a hoot.

Watched IT (Tommy Lee Wallace, 1990).
After rewatching The Dead Zone on THC (u/c!), I felt a slight King binge coming on, so dug this out. Never mind about it being a "flipper" that gives no warning as to the break.....

Some kids band together to fight off an ancient evil that has plagued their town for..........ever. Featuring the usual raggle taggle bunch of Kingites (both as kids and as adults), this is still my favourite SK novel, so did wonder how they were going to put across this epic a TVM.

Oh, well. Whilst it still has the ridiculous "monster" ending, this hadn't aged as badly as I had feared, mainly due the kids performance (as the adults seem to be playing some scenes for laughs!! John Ritter!!).

Insidious Chapter 3
Another part 3 that negates the first film. Another attempt to milk the J horror cow ONE last time. Another film where I can't really see anything because it so ficking dark. Watched IT after this, and was more that mildly scared by that. This, however failed in that respect.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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