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Old 1st October 2015, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post

This is the best Alice in Wonderland I have ever seen, bold statement I guess but in my mind accurate. In fact the best film I've seen in a LONG time. I pre-ordered this BFI bluray and have had it on my watch pile since, just waiting for the right time. Had I'd known it was so good I would have watched it 3 years ago hah... It's a surreal experience but so is the book it's based on. I was surprised how scary and creepy it was, I expected it to be before watching it, but the first 30 mins or so are funny and Alice is so naughty that the change in tone kind of crept up on me until it was full Lynchian terror for a few minutes culminating in the scene on the screenshot above. If you've not seen this version of Alice in Wonderland, give it a try you might be surprised, I was!
I'm thrilled to see another Jan Svankmajer fan on the forum, I can't recommend enough that you try out his version of Faust OR for lighter viewing try his version of 'Little Otik' both films are just fantastic. I love Svankmajer so much i flew to Prague to visit his private gallery (and to prepose to the other half). This BFI Alice is a fine release too.
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