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Old 10th October 2015, 07:29 PM
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SharonLynette SharonLynette is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Midlands
Blog Entries: 1

Nail Gun Massacre (1985)

Sometimes a film doesn't have to be good to be good.

What Nail Gun Massacre lacks in finesse and plausibility it makes up for in out of tune country rock and occasional electro, denim wardrobes, huge belt buckles, an under qualified, lackadaisical doctor, a disaffected cop, and plumped up areolas.

It doesn't bother with a gradual lead in to the plot, more wham, bam straight in to the revenge. Which seems incredibly random even though you know from the get go what is going on.

It's the type of film you can enjoy with friends as it provides plenty of belly laughs. You'll find yourself questioning How there can be do much blood when surely a high pressure gun would wedge in to create a plug with minimum seepage? How can the killer have any peripheral vision with all that tape on their mask? Why is the safety not on that guys chainsaw? And why is the chainsaw belt too tight? Surely he knows basic maintenance? Unless cutting wood is really a euphemism.

Of course who really wants reality in a horror film? NGM is fun, implausible nonsense.

Starring Bob Carolgees, Liza Minnelli, The Miliband brothers, Kate Bush and my old gynaecologist.
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