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Old 24th October 2015, 10:50 AM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by MacBlayne View Post

Seriously? I mean, fair enough, I understand that the cut / uncut thing may confuse slightly.

But, how do you manage to presume that Arrow messed up the aspect ratio? On a Blu Ray, no less.
He just assumed that a film from 1967 had to be in widescreen of some sort, because that's what would have happened in the US and Western Europe. But this wasn't a film from the US or Western Europe, and they carried on using 1.37:1 behind the Iron Curtain for decades after it had been abandoned by Western cinemas. Jan Švankmajer carried on shooting in 1.37:1 right up to and including Little OtÃ*k in 2000 - it's only his last two films that have been in widescreen (plus a full Scope short from early in his career).

Put it like this: even if it wasn't for the absolute security of cinematographer approval (and twice over), I'd have stuck to my guns!
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