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Old 25th October 2015, 02:06 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Blog Entries: 14

Halloween 6 curse of Michael Myers (and producers cut)

Having been left with Dominique Othenin-Girard's clusterf**k of an attempt at adding a mythology that left numerous plot threads dangling that no-one knew how to explain, director Joe Chappelle was left to mop that shit up. An actually pretty decent director who admittedly delivered the Dean R Koontz, fun in a crap sort of way Phantoms with Ben Affleck (actually a lot of fun when stoned) but redeemed himself by delivering some terrific episodes of the wire, Chappelle actually delivers a film that is competently shot but rife with issues from the beginning.
The film starts with a character we discover is Jaimie from 4 + 5, something of a shock considering she is played by another actress and is barefoot and pregnant. Quite a creepy development considering she was 9 years old when dodgy cowboy dude abducted her in his creeper van along with Michael (a scene that makes the producers cut). Jamie promptly gives birth and then cheeses it with the help of a nurse before being promptly pursued by her uncle Michael. It seems the character all the fans rooted for has been held captive for about 6 years (still making her somewhat under-age) and the Thorn cult that has been keeping her hostage has had uncle mike rape her to get the baby because.....reasons. To add insult to the fans, someone else is playing her because the tight-ass producers didn't want to pay Danielle Harris anything because ... again reasons. So, the central character from 4+5 is promptly killed off by Michael, not before hiding her baby at the train station. Michael it seems is more than capable of tracking down blood relatives like a laser guided missile until its his own incest-spawn, then he seems to be as clueless as the rest of us. Fortunately Tommy Doyle, the kid from the first movie, has spent most of his adult life waiting for this day in spite of sleeping through Michaels two previous rampages and retrieves the baby from the bus station. Tommy is played by PAUL "ANT-MAN" RUDD, in a case of early casting i'm sure the now mega star is pleased to include on his resume. Meanwhile the remaining strode family has moved in across the road into the old Myers house. Only abusive papa strode seems aware of this fact and has kept it secret from the rest of his down trodden family because in a small town like Haddonfield its unlikely that anyone else is ever going to ask "why the f*** are you living in the Myers house, its like Amityville without the flies". Not even Tommy doyle bothers to say anything, in spite of his habit of spying on Kara Strode through a telescope.
Before you can say "who wrote this!" Michael is back and begins killing off folk again, Tommy Doyle decides to team up with Sam Loomis, who is now looking his age and has lost his burns thanks to plastic surgery. Ultimately they manage to explain the whole thorn debacle, Dr. Wynn here played by Mitchell Ryan but played by Robert Phalen in the 1978 original is the head of the cult. It seems most of the staff, bar Loomis, had been worshipping Michael because of ...paganism.... Halloween....need for interconnection and everything to wrap Ultimately it all ends up back at smiths grove and seems resolved except it isnt because Myers is worth cash. Sadly Donald Pleasance died so they add a scream at the end to suggest he has been killed by Michael and ...the end.....
Blimey this film is a bit of a mess. Stick with the producers cut which actually makes a bit more sense and has a weirder ending that makes it somewhat appealing. It leaves more questions that will never be answered and the Franchise in a bit of a mess but unlike part 5 its an entertaining mess. Apparently they were setting it up so Tommy Doyle would be the new protagonist, it didn't work out and the series went on further hiatus while the producers sat down to think about how to un-fu** things. Good thing for Tommy Doyle really as he would have only ended up being written out at some point or teamed up with Jamie Lloyd's ghost in order to defeat the Michael Myers robot hybrid in space. Sometimes failure can help a franchise.....
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