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Old 25th October 2015, 02:48 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

Halloween: Resurrection

Deciding that there is no sense in leaving things on a high note when cash is involved, Dimension decided to draw out one last film from the original universe before dropping it and starting again.
essentially this one starts with an act of cinematic fraud so blatant its actually depressing. H20 ends with Laurie strode decapitating Michael and ending the franchise. Apparently the god of slasher villains is over-creative writers who bullshit that it was actually a conveniently muted ambulance driver that Laurie killed leaving her spending the next few years in a nut-house tormented by guilt. so what happened to her son? The suggestion is that Michael killed him but who the f*** knows. Michael shows up, Laurie gets unceremoniously killed and then Michael heads home to stare at a blank wall.
That is until Busta Rhymes decides to live stream a bunch of kids wandering the old Myers house in Blissful ignorance of the fact that the shape has come home and isn't wanting visitors. Pretty soon the kids are getting bumped off one by one until the final girl and Busta rhymes decide to fight back. This ones directed by part 2's Rick Rosenthal and in all fairness once you get past the frankly idiotic premise its fairly entertaining. It was made in 2002 just as the interwebs was becoming a thing for film-makers and compared to some of the travesties out there is handles this shit pretty well. It's weird to see people communicating by Yahoo messenger almost as weird as it was in scream to see people questioned about why they have a cellular phone, my how things have changed. Non of the characters are especially likeable aside from the hot Katee Sackhoff who played the female Starbuck in the Battlestar Galactica re-jig. For an evenings entertainment its better than 5 or 6 and it was fortunately the end of things at that point until...
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