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Old 26th October 2015, 06:02 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Six strangers wake up inside various coloured rooms each wall including the floor and ceiling has a hatch leading to another room identical in size only differing in colour. When all six people meet up in the same place they discover that certain rooms are safe and others contain traps that kill instantly. The group must put their minds together to figure out who put them there and why while also figuring a way out of this nightmare.

I love the idea behind Cube the feeling of being trapped in a small space has always been a fear of mine so i could put myself in the position of the people trapped in the Cube. The gore and kill effects are mostly practical just a few incidents we get CGI but its not distracting.

At the start the acting and dialogue was fine but as the film progresses it gets worse and worse and the characters themselves follow the same path of becoming less and less likeable to the point it seemed that they were just talking to to fill up time in the film. Like i said earlier i love the idea but its not used to its full potential. Within this massive cube there are thousands of rooms i would i like to have seen them explore the idea for more traps im sure they were restricted by budget but it would of been a nice touch.

Overall Cube is a decent film despite its flaws it kept me interested until the end even it if was to see if the people i disliked the most would meet a terrible end. Not one i would want to watch again not because its bad just once you have seen it you have seen it.

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