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Old 26th October 2015, 07:00 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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The Templars are terrorising the people of a small Portuguese villiage kidnapping their daughters to sacrifice to Satan. When the villagers capture the Templars they burn out their eyes before burning them alive so they would not be able to find their way back from the dead and the village would finally be at peace for all the future generations. On the 500th anniversary the village is holing a festival to celebrate the bravery of their forefathers for removing the evil Templars from their land. But the merriment is short lived when the Blind Templars return from the dead to exact their revenge.

This is only my second Blind Dead film and i really loved both this and Tombs of the Blind Dead. The Blind Dead galloping across the countryside on their dead cloaked horses looks great very creepy. The characters in the film are made up of the hero the women every man in the village wants despite here scary eyebrows the slime ball cowardly mayor and his henchmen. Our hero wants to escape with his ex lover after re igniting their relationship but the mayor and his head goon who also loves the same woman will stop at nothing to keep her from leaving and make her their own.

So far the Blind Dead films are alot of fun and filled with great atmosphere so hopes are high for the other two entries to the series.

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