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Old 16th November 2015, 03:16 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

Fear The Walking Dead. A slow start. But then they did the same with TWD, so roll on more sez I!!

Heroes Reborn. For my sins I did like Heroes. and I was reasonably pleased with this, set 10 years after the events of well, the cancelled series, Noah Bennent tries to piece together the aftermath of a terrorist attack on a summit for humans and "evos" (Evolved humans....). Some new characters, and glimpses of old ones. More please.

Scream Queens. Gossip Girl with knives. SOLD!!! Plus no 5 is cute haha. Trash TV for people who can't bring themselves to watch TOWIE et al. JLC seems to be having a hoot with the h-a-c-k-n-e-y-e-d dialogue, and looks sexier than the lead actress who I want to exsanguinate haha.

Ash Vs Evil Dead. SOLD.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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