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Old 5th November 2009, 12:42 AM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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The DVD release, which I believe is the 25th Anniversary Edition, has had very minor retouching as far as I know, but nothing major - the most noticeable alteration is when Karras is possessed by the demon, it's far smoother than in the original version and has obviously been achieved digitally. This is the only alteration I really noticed to any degree.

That's what I find jarring about Star Wars now. It's the fact that the CGI looks horribly out of place in a movie that was made without CGI. It therefore sticks out like a sore thumb. It looks awful. Why Lucas can't see the stupidity of imposing CGI upon a film that never utilised that technology is beyond me. Lucas: it looks like shit, mate.
Sent from my Hoover using the power of Uri Gellar

Last edited by Daemonia; 5th November 2009 at 12:13 PM.
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