As far as fave eras go it almost seems cliched to say this but mine has to be the Hinchcliffe years.
It was the era i started watching the show and it scared me half to death. My two favourite stories from the Williams era - Horror of Fang Rock and Image of the Fendahl - both seemed to be classic Gothic Hinchcliffe rather than what would come in the next three seasons.
For every great Williams story there's a clunker like Underworld, Invasion of Time and Horns of Nimon.
As for The Key to Time being the best season long story arc - i actually prefer Trial of a Timelord.
There's a half decent book about the Hinchcliffe era which is worth seeking out. It's long since out of print now though.
Last edited by Demdike@Cult Labs; 26th November 2015 at 10:57 PM.