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Old 2nd December 2015, 08:05 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

There's one person who seems to hate Quntin Tarantino films, almost regularly there would be inarticulate posts with the usual non-criticisms 'plagiarist' (its not when you acknowledge your sources, by that token Martin Scorsese is a plagiarist, as is Dario Argento, George Lucas...) ect ect... and I just thought WHY?

Why bother dwelling on something you hate?

I much prefer the posts where people focus on things they enjoy. The trouble is trying to say nice about stuff is a lot more difficult as it requires you to do a lot more explaining. Slagging stuff off online is easy as the fallback will always be cheap insults. This is why any critic who makes a living hating everything lloses respect in my eyes. The real critics can put a film down expertly without the need for insults, and can inspire passion for things they love.
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