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Old 4th December 2015, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Batman Returns (1992)

In my opinion the best Batman film to date and it's set at Christmas. Director Tim Burton gives us a day-glow masterpiece of fantasy horror images all dressed up as a superhero film. From the grotesque shuffling Penguin to the wet dream in black latex that is Catwoman, not forgetting the sneerily sadistic Max Schreck and of course Michael Keaton's definitive Batman portrayal.

Batman Returns is as dark a superhero film as your likely to see with perhaps only Christoper Nolan's The Dark Knight coming close to it. Despite the outlandish colours and Christmas decacence on display Burton's film is gloomy, extremely moody, bizarre and rather perverse with occasionally strong violence thrown in. The sets are superb as is the photography and it's all backed up with Danny Elfman's soaringly majestic theme that uplifts the many action set pieces.

Batman Returns is full of juicy dialogue. It's just a tad unfortunate for Michael Keaton that all the best lines go to Christopher Walken's Schrek, Danny DeVito's monstrous yet tragic Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer's slinky Catwoman. Oh and if you want proof of how good Pfeiffer is as Catwoman then watch Anne Hathaway play the same character in Nolan's final Batman film The Dark Knight Rises and you'll see there's no comparison as Hathaway is almost instantly forgettable.

Granted some of you will prefer X-Men or the Avengers films but for me Batman Returns is the superhero movie.
I don't think its as good as the first one but i agree it is a superb film and Michelle Pfiefer pisses all over Anne Hathaway (insert lewd joke here)
Michael Keaton was born to play Batman.
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