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Old 11th December 2015, 04:29 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Default The Ice House-The Ghost Story for Christmas-

The Ice House.{1978}
Predictably another non period piece and the last in that present series,is to say the least pretty much a disappointment,it looks and feels more like an episode of Tales Of The Unexpected but without the usual sting in the tale at the end of its story,In fact Roald Dahl would of binned this tale.Although it has potential and has some very intriguing ideas it never delivers any shocks or thrills.Directed by Derek Lister and based on a story by John Griffith Bowen it really lacks any sort of energy or interest.Set around a private health farm ,Paul (John Stride) is there to recuperate after leaving his wife. The main problem being is that series had been great up until the last two episodes,and comparing these two to the rest was going to be a problem.And truth be told how ever many time I have watched this particular episode I really have trouble arousing any interest in anything that is happening on the screen.The story of The Ice House and the aroma of the vines and the brother and sister who run the residential health spa,is im afraid all a little boring and somewhat staid . Alright call me dunder head but I think a story line and some explanatory dialogue would of helped this film no end,im all for using one's imagination etc but sometimes you like a bit of good old fashioned story telling , it never hurt Jackanory did it. I may be being abit harsh but I could not get into this drama,and believe me I have tried my best on numerous occasions. I would be very interested in hearing an opposing view (but be warned i give a mean Chinese burn and nipple twist) .Does anyone actually like this film,answers on a postcard or sticky down envelope.....

out of 5
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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