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Old 20th December 2015, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
The thing with the RINGU franchise is the American adaptations are more faithful. Thing is being faithful to the source does not make a good film as the Japanese found with Spiral. Ever heard of it? Its actually the second ring film and it bombed as its far too long and ponderous. The reason Ringu worked so well is Nakata stripped away all the extraneous nonsense and focused on scaring the shit out of his audience. Thats why the first Ring film is still the scariest.
I know exactly what you mean about Spiral, which I think is interesting, but not a patch on the other films in the Japanese series. A good parallel between the films and the book would be what Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson did with The Shining, stripping it down to the barest elements and hinting at some character traits and previous events rather than making them part of the narrative. This meant the film is much more scary and memorable than the TV miniseries which, although creepy at times, is a little ponderous.
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