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Old 7th January 2016, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
I'm a big Tarantino fan, so I'm looking forward to seeing it and in reply to Gags post, I've enjoyed all the Transformers films too, so I'm looking forward to that as well, don't get all the hate Michael Bay gets tbh
I like Tarantino think he very talented, just not been keen on any of his films since Kill bill. But always look forward to watching his films tho.
And each to their own, im sure i like films you dont
Mb films i havent took or enjoyed one of his films even Bad boys or armageddon.
Find the films are more crash bang wallop style which is ok but thin on interest and plot.
I rather watch a slow film that done well with good story and atmopshere than a film thats got loads of action but dull as hell, that goes to any film not just MB films, ive seen films where have tonnes of action and been bored senseless.
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