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Old 10th January 2016, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Ant-Man - after the noisy, overblown 'Avengers - Age of Ultron', 'Ant-man' was a refreshing return to what I think comic-book films should be ... fun! A nice straightforward narrative of a loser-made-good means that the characters can really breathe and as a result, I found myself caring about the plight of the main protagonists much more than in other films in the genre. The CGI is seamless and there is a genuine creativity and flair in some of the set-pieces, making great use of the, frankly ludicrous, premise. On paper, this should be a mere footnote in the Marvel canon but, for me, this is best comic-book adaptation since the Sam Raimi 'Spiderman' films. Recommended!
I felt the same, Ant Man felt fresh and fun, some laugh out loud funny moments after I felt like I was coming down with overkill of Marvel films / shows etc

Also watched Interstellar last night for the first time and thought it was very good, and as someone who has an interest in space travel / science / astronomy etc I got a lot of the science behind it but could not help thinking that the layman watcher, just interested in a blockbuster movie would get a little lost at times. My missus got me pause the film 6 times to clarify what was going on, we ended up discussing wormholes / time differentials etc not something you would do in a cinema!

I hope they make more films like this going forward so we look out more instead of in, no more rom com crap, more mind expansion please, after all what could be better than inspiring the next generation whilst being entertained?
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