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Old 11th January 2016, 10:57 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

A few short taughts on a few films i have seen over the last few weeks. Rather not go into too much details about newer releases to avoid and spoilers no matter how small.

Creed_poster.jpg The_Revenant_2015_film_poster.jpg NEPrEhK2SLH4TR_1_1.jpg download.jpg We_Are_Still_Here_film_festival_poster_2015.jpg Southpaw_poster.jpg


Apollo Creeds son turns up at Rocky Balboas restaurant seeking the training and guidance he needs to carry on his fathers legacy. If you are a fan of Rocky or even just Stallone this is a very emotional film. The story is solid and kept within the realms of realism. A must watch for both Rocky and Stallone fans alike.

The Revenant

Leonardo Dicaprio is mauled by a bear and left for dead but a lust for revenge pushes a broken man to the limit and nothing will get in his way of accomplishing his goal. Running about two and a half hours this is a slow paced journey but its shot beautifully and has a real feeling of isolation and great desperation. Great film.

Bone Tomahawk

A stranger arrives in town after desecrating an Indian burial ground and while resisting arrest the sheriff shoots him in the leg and throws him in the slammer for the night. The Sheriff sends for the doctor to tend to the wound but when they turn up at the jail next morning both the doctor and the prisoner have been abducted from the cell. The doctors husband demands that they track her down and he sets off with the sheriff and back up assistant sheriff. The first hour of Bone Tomahawk is more of a dialogue piece which is fine as the dialogue is filled with humour and the characters are very interesting. The last half an hour the pace changes and the pay off is very entertaining.

Tales of Halloween

Ten short stories crammed into 90 minutes and only two of the ten i didnt really care for but the other eight stories were great fun and quite sinister in places. I have to give great credit to the effects used here they did look great with only one story where it look totally stupid and that was the story i didnt care for. I think this may get repeat viewings around October each year just a great fun Halloween film.

We Are Still Here

A couple move to the countryside to try and help with their mourning for the loss of their son in a car crash. The are unaware that the house is occupied by the spirits of a family that was murdered in the house by the locals. At first the wife thinks its the spirit of their son that has followed them to the new house but when they invite some friends from back home to join them all hell breaks loose. This is an enjoyable film but it has the usual jump scares which you just expect . I really would of like a lot more of a back story of what happened in the house its more or less just said in passing. Dont get me wrong its a good film and i enjoyed it alot for what it was.


Billy Hope is on top of the world he is the world champion he has plenty of money a big house and a beautiful wife and daughter that worship the ground he walks on. But while out at a charity event one night his life his turned upside down when his wife is shot and killed accidentally during a row with a rival boxer and his crew. Not only does Billy loose his wife but his daughter is taken into care. In order to get her back Billy must face his demons and get back in the game to show his is a fit father both mentally and financially to look after his daughter.

Jake Gyllenhaal is outstanding and you can tell he is putting his heart and soul into his roles. Some of the scenes between him and his daughter are genuinely heart breaking and i have to take my hat off to the young actress that plays the role of the daughter ( Oona Laurence ) who was so believable. The story sounds like a cliche but the performances really make this film great.
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