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Old 22nd February 2016, 02:20 AM
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Rang a friend and he suggested i come round i said ok we watch a film or two and he asked what? I said im not bothered absolutely anything.

And guess what he found a film called absolutely anything.
I never heard of it its a british film written and directed by terry jones from the monty python crew. Starring simon pegg.
Now i dont know if its films in general or me, we all at some point have complained about todays films in comparison to how they where one way or another and im guilty of that with comedies, and i can honestly say ive not watched a comedy for years that ive really enjoyed or made me laugh a lot so im not sure if it is films or ive lost my sense of humour.
Anyhow he stuck the film on and i can honestly say i found that one film that made me laugh out loud loads it made us all laugh. One of the funniest comedies ive seen for years. Its about aliens who give a bloke the power to do absolutely anything and see if he uses it to do good or bad things. And at times what he wishes for doesnt turn out exactly how he come across. There was ppl killed in a explosion and he said i like all the dead to be alive again meaning who died in the explosion suddenly everyone dead body in existence started to come alive.
And at one point i joked i make myself have a huge penis and thats exactly what he said in the film. The scene had me in stitches especialy when he said no i want one that will make women happy then he looked down and said oh come on a white one. If you havent seen it and like Terry jones and simon pegg then you shouldnt be dissapointed.

God bless America

Not sure if this was like a cross between natural born killers and falling down or just a film or the guy who wrote it is explaining how he see life like it is today. And trying to come across how life changed. But not for the better Either way the later is how i saw the film, but its funny how people see and perceive things different at the same time. There was a lot in the film i saw wether that was the intentions of the film or not as to how life is and how there is two sides to every arguement for and against whether we like it or not, At the beggining it shows how he liked to blow the shit out of his next door neighbours with a gun but he nice as pie when he see them, and lets face it in reality we all thought off how we like to kill someone of or just go over and knock **** out them or go on a killing spree but we havent and been nice instead . But also goes to show how society has become where we live off watching other people misery and glorifying it as entertainment, Jerry springer anyone? I mean my mum watches stuff like cant pay take it away r what ever the **** it called. I detest these shows because lets be fair some not all have just hit a hard time through no fault of there own and being eg kicked out their house etc there and then and i wouldnt personaly want my life when im down in the gutter to be shown on national tv for everyone to watch and sit there and be god judge and jury when they dont know **** all whats happened in that person life or why ended up in that situation. Then talk about it next day at work maybe. But it also shows how America has become trigger happy as well. And how violence has become the norm these days where people just seem to accept it, or people go the other way go overboard and why they had enough and act the way they do and flip and how the USA has gone trigger happy, nearly ever week there some sort of killing spree there been few already this year some just havent made as much headlines as other, there been one this week. And how violence has become the norm these days where people just seem to accept it or dont seem shocked anymore because its part of todays society and culture and at times when political correctness has gone daft and overboard when he was sacked because he thought he wasnt doing a nice thing by trying to cheer up the receptionist by sending her flowers to cheer her up, The scene in the cinema i can relate to sev times over, eg years ago when cinema houses where all on one level and not each row was up a step, i was the first one in the room and sat down one or two straggled in then suddenly a bloke 6ft 6 or their abouts sat the row and seat literaly in front of me having no choice to move. And then what happens next in the film is a prime eg of todays society and culture while they where shooting one bloke was videoing it on his mobile so he could probably upload it to some social network just to see how many likes they can recieve or give them something to brag about how they where there and saw it all, instead of helping or running to get help. i think the film had a deep meaning and showing how society has become, to the point where there is so many things that is wrong in life and so ****ed up but yet become acceptable
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