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Old 25th February 2016, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
Ghost Town

A sheriff's deputy is investigating the baffling disappearance of a local woman out in the desert when he is transported to a Ghost Town out somewhere in purgatory and forced to face off against a villainous demonic gun-slinger and his posse in an unusual mix of horror and western.
A charlie band cheapie, this has all the hallmarks of one of his productions. Small-ish cast, single location short and well paced. Here everything is shot in one of those old disused western theme towns and the film gets plenty of mileage out of it. Its released by scream factory on a nice looking blu-ray, region locked but its the sort of title 88 would pick up sooner or later.

Home invasion

Generic as f*** film starring Natasha Henstridge that plays out EXACTLY how you expect. Masked gang break in, Natasha plays cat and mouse games with them while assisted by the home security company who are monitoring the situation (playing quite similar to THE CALL). While its blatantly unoriginal its hard to really slag the film off too much as it delivers the story reasonably well and is professionally directed. I doubt this will make anyone's top 10's but its worth a look at least.

The Forest

Natalie Dormer

Attachment 176039


The film itslef is flawed but interesting. Set in Japan's suicide forest, lovely natalie is looking for her twin sister who disappeared. Convinced her sister is still alive she heads in to the forest with an American travel writer and thats were things go awry. Its decent enough with one or two good scares, though it plays around with the 'it was all a dream' scares a bit too much, the whole suggestion that she might be going mad is another familiar trope. However its all put together well enough and worth spending some time over a beer with it. Glad I missed it at the cinema though.

I have done endless research on Aokigahara and it is a truly heart breaking and very haunting place filled with so much pain and misery. Watching documentaries and seeing pictures of belongings left behind by people on their last journey is very moving. So after spending some time over the past few years gathering up as much information about the place i think i would find it hard to watch a film about the place that looks like its just for cheap scares.

Im not saying its in bad taste or that im offended you gotta try hard to offend me just ask a few of the regulars here they have been trying for years now .
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