Here is Rik's review post.
The Green Inferno- I've been wanting to watch this for years, ever since I first heard about it. Unlike the majority of people these days, I'm a fan of Eli Roth and have enjoyed everything he's done thus far (besides The Sacrament that I watched last night, which doesn't even deserve one of my famous 3 word reviews!), and being a fan of the Italian Cannibal cycle of films from the 1970's and 80's, I was interested to see how this subject matter would be tackled in this day and age.
For a start, I enjoyed it and will most definitely watch it again. For those unfamiliar with the plot, it's about a group of student activists who travel to the Amazon to stop it from being destroyed by a big corporation.
Cue lots of gun toting soldiers? threatening to shoot one of the activists, until it's announced that the entire thing is being broadcast online, followed by the plane they arrived in crashing as they make their way home after a successful protest.
What follows is where the film really takes off, characters are attacked by the local cannibal tribe, with the surviving members of the group being locked in a bamboo cage straight out of Jungle Holocaust, before being picked off one by one. Yeah, we've seen it before, but who cares when hardly anything is original these days in horror!
Even though it's title would suggest it was influenced primarily by Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust, I thought it was more like Cannibal Ferox, certain aspects emphasise this,a character who is dressed fairly similar and acts much like Giovanni Lombardo Radice's Mike Logan for example.
It's pretty gory in places and animal lovers will be happy to learn that no animals were killed on screen.
Much like Rob Zombie did with House of 1000 Corpses, Roth's film is a homage to some of his favourite films, with his own stamp thrown in.
Recommended for fans of Cannibal films and the films of Eli Roth, not recommended for bandwagon jumpers