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Old 13th November 2009, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by loops View Post
I always assumed the bbfc shortened the dog fight at the start.
Hi all. This site is a nightmare (in a good way). I pop by occasionally to catch up on new releases etc, and find I'm still here hours later! Good job I don't have a social life, eh
The last 40 pages of this thread have been fascinating. You guys really know your stuff. Anyway, reason I quoted Loops post above, was that this is a film I've always yearned to see again (I'm a huge Bronson fan. The silent tough guy routine always wins me over. 'Hard Times' being my fav), but I have vague recollections of seeing a TV viewing of 'Death Hunt' years back where the early dog fight really upset me (admittedly I was young & had 2 dogs at the time, so perhaps I was more sensitive). I recall it looking so real, I couldn't believe it was staged. I know this was covered early on in this thread, but does anybody know if the dog fight was genuinely faked? The lack of a R2 release always makes me wonder whether it looked real, because it was.
There's a reasonably priced widescreen region 0 copy available on eBay, which I'm tempted to buy, but (feeling a real sissy now ) kind of need to know that "no dogs were harmed in the making of this film", before I open my wallet & let the Queen see daylight. Apart from that, I recall it being a great man-hunt movie, a genre which I love.

Well, I don't post much, but bloody hell, I make up for it when I do, eh?
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