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Old 1st March 2016, 08:32 AM
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fuzzymctiger fuzzymctiger is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Melbourne, Australia

OOh infections, glad non-zombie was clarified because I was going to do that anyway but this is a category that opens itself to some great and unique suggestion when you remove those damned zombies from the mix.

Well here we go, as I broadedend my definition I found more great ones I'd seen

10. Daybreakers
9. I Am Legend
8. The Crazies (Remake. Don't shoot me I loved it)
7. 28 Weeks Later (Easily one of the most disturbing and dark films I've seen)
6. [Rec]
5. Cabin Fever
4. The Bay
3. [Rec] 2 - Does away with the meddling and shit beforehand and gets straight into it. Far more thrilling.
2. Invasion of the Body Snatchers '78
And without a doubt, 1. 28 Days Later - A unique frightening vision and landmark piece of film (digital?) that will never be matched in my books. Still shocking.

From 8 above, I highly recommend checking them out. Below that is filler to reach 10 :P

Edit: Bloody hell Keirarts, I didn't even think of The Thing -_-
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