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Old 4th March 2016, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post

Suspiria remake brings the stars out - THE HORROR ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE

Tilda Swinton is an interesting one, Dakota Johnson is that bird from 50 Shades isn't she? Is she supposed to Suzi do you think?
One Q? Why
One film that will be ruined and cant and shouldnt be remade, why is the film industry so hell bent on remaking just about every film in existence or rebooting films because either 99% of the time they are awful/garbage etc just the odd few here and there slip the net and end up being good.
The film industry really is in a sad state of affair now it seems to be remakes reboots sequels or dc and marvel superheroes, im getting bored of it now. No wonder people stick to watching the old films or obscure and underground films. And thats why its hard to have a conversation with a friend about films unless their a film enthusiastic themselves because everybody to busy watching main stream films and avoid everything else and missing out on some really good films.
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