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Old 4th March 2016, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Plus of course people who have seen the original will talk about it as we are now. In fact if it were on a shelf this afternoon at a fiver i'd pick it up to see what it was like as i'm sure a few of us would. Now, had the OP been about The Forest for example, i doubt there would have been any chat at all.

Remakes no matter how dodgy often create a buzz at least until we know how poor the film is.

And therein lies the paradox. We don't want remakes of Suspiria or Ghostbusters for that matter, but as long as there are people who'd pay to see them, just even out of curiosity, they think people want them, so they'll churn out more and more, and sequels to them too. YOU'RE to blame for these films mate! [emoji39]
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