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Old 6th March 2016, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Infection films? This idea could be catching!

Right, lets see how far I can get with this one

1: Demons - I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this Bava/Argento film. Extreme gore + violence + heavy metal soundtrack = classic movie
2: Slither - An updating of 'Shivers', with parasitic worms infecting a small American town. Great movie that mixes laughs and chills
3: REC 3 - The best of the series as far as I am concerned
4: The Stuff - Infection by yogurt!
5: SARS Wars - Thai film, completely different to Star Wars!
6: Children Of Men - Finally, an intelligent film in one of my lists!
7: Shivers - See #3. Parasitic worms as a metaphor for VD
8: Cabin Fever - Don't drink the water!
9: The Stand - Stephen King adaptation set in a post plague environment. The band Anthrax wrote the song 'Spreading The Disease' about the original book
10: Doctor Who: The Ark In Space - Terrifying use of bubble-wrap! The body as a host for an alien parasite
If we're going to include Who, what about Seeds of Doom? Keeler's transformation is nightmare-inducing. The bit where he's tied down to the bed transforming and in agony, and Chase has him offered raw meat and he gets this hungry look in his eyes...


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