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Old 7th March 2016, 08:16 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Using their high school dance as cover a group of teens steal the school bus and head to the wilderness to party it up in one of their parents cabins.On the way the the bus runs out of gas and grinds to a halt and you guessed it they are out in the middle of nowhere. Two of the group volunteer to go look for a petrol station or someone who maybe able to help the stranded teen. A couple of miles down the road they find what appears to be an abandoned house. They gather the rest of their companions and head to the house to spend the night. Surely nothing could go wrong in and abandoned house in the woods.

With Lost After Dark they have tried their best to take you back to the 80s with the cloths and attitudes of the teens but sometime they tried too hard using a few stupid gimmicks the worst of which has to be when one of the teens while people are drinking dancing and making out she is sitting on her own trying to complete a rubiks cube which just looked stupid and out of place. Two other things that just came across like they were trying too hard was at certain points the film would have some film damage to look like an old vhs but it looked really out of place because the rest of the picture was crystal clear with a few damage lines randomly placed around the screen and then one scene that really annoyed me was when the film seemed to burn or melt and reel missing flashed on the screen up until that point the film was moving along nicely but that really took me out of it for a few minutes it just ended up looking cheap and not effective.

Dont let those short comings turn you off checking this one out because it is a fun film overall with some good kills and effects. Yes its full of cliches with the usual suspects the jock the slut the fat guy the black guy the rock chick the asshole and the goody two shoes who never even kissed a guy. While bringing nothing new to the genre its a really good effort which would of been better if they had gone the right way about trying to date the film back to the 80s.

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