Thread: Code Red
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Old 18th March 2016, 10:50 AM
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Gold6082 Gold6082 is offline
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I refuse to buy any of his products anymore no matter what site they land up on the most recent and final purchase was Sweet Sixteen.

Kingdom of the spiders is one of my all time fav films so I am annoyed of all the labels in the world this arsehat gets the Blu rights. I dislike Bill's abnormal behaviour so much I'd rather go without or even pay a scalper! not that I plan to anytime soon... I will just hope we get a Uk release from 88 or Arrow and stick with my DVD which to be fair is a damn good print for SD anyway!

The clown doesn't seem to realise that a combination of his childish behaviour and scalpers greed will finish him off,but in this rare instance it is deserved if it should occur.
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