Thread: Code Red
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Old 19th March 2016, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Steel76 View Post
When it comes to "House on the Edge of the Park", let's hope he doesn't use the same transfer as the french blu-ray.
It was one of the worst examples of scanner noise I've seen, plus edge enhancement on that shit.

But I doubt that Bill will put money on a fresh 2K/4K scan.

Wonder if the same goes for that Japan disc?
The Italian Blu has a decent picture but is let down by only having English subs. It's weird to hear Hess dubbed. I have a couple of Japan discs and personally I just don't like them. Nothing wrong with them, just pisses me off for some reason and the cost. The Exterminator 2 for example, that by the time I paid for it, postage and import tax came to more than I ever paid for a CR title.
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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