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Old 14th November 2009, 09:24 PM
42ndStreetFreak 42ndStreetFreak is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: NOT ****ING HERE THAT'S FOR SURE!!!!

Never could understand the 'animal cruelty free' version of "Cannibal Holocaust".

So not actually seeing the animals killed in that version is okay with you...DESPITE the fact that the animals still died and died for the very film you are watching and supporting. Whether you see it or not.

If you really cared about animals being killed in a would actually have nothing to do with that film! Anything else is hypocrisy.

And that only leaves (if you don't actually care they were really killed..which you obviously don't if you are even watching the film) the fact you don't want to see it.
But why do you want to see rape and butchery either?
yes, that's not real...but you obviously don't care about the animal deaths being real either otherwise you would want nothing to do with the film at all.

Either watch the film as is, or boycott it (as is your right, don't get me wrong. That is a decision I can respect) and don't support and validate it.
But watching a bullshit 'animal cruelty free' version is STILL supporting and validating it.
And all those little animals you supposedly care so much about...are still all dead and killed for the film you're watching.
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