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Old 16th November 2009, 09:37 AM
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I'm 40 years old, and have had the opportunity over the years, to watch Holocaust on several occasions. I never have because of the animal deaths, and most likely never will. I have, however, like a lot of posters on here, become very aware of the movie and others, because of it's notoriety. I grew up through the video nasty era, and spent my youth hunting down uncut copies of DOTD, Flesh-eaters etc (ie : special effects movies), but never had any inclination to secure bootlegs of Holocaust (despite it being "the one to see" in the playground), or shockumentaries like Faces of Death, Mondo Cane etc etc, purely because I knew they contained animal suffering.

My original mention of Holocaust (if the aggrieved poster would like to back-track and read) was an attempt at humour. Black humour admittedly. In that the chances of the animal deaths in Holocaust being faked, were as unlikely as me waking up this morning with Angelina Jolie lying beside me. I checked. She wasn't. And I'm sure the tortured Turtle wasn't faking it either.

My next mention of the 'animal cruelty free' version was because it's the only known version that has all the special effects violence intact, but none of the animal deaths. Again, an easy enough purchase if I wanted it (albeit with the full version), but I never have. Because the animals aren't being slaughtered onscreen, I'm still aware that they were, and for that reason I still haven't seen said movie. I don't condone any sort of animal suffering, and as I mentioned recently to Mark, I even sold my copy of 'GI Samurai' after only one viewing (my 1st), because I became aware (and even on the Optimum release it's clearly obvious...) that it contained some nasty horse-falls. I loved the whole premise of that movie too, modern day military V Samurai's, but couldn't watch it again, knowing what I did. It's also why I won't be purchasing Woo's 'Red Cliff', because I've heard rumours of horse-tripping. Rumours they may be, but it's enough to make me feel uneasy about viewing it.

Cannibal Holocaust IS the most notorious of the video nasties, and that's why as a horror fan, it has become the infamous curio to me that it has. But I know it's something I'll likely never see. And I won't lose any sleep over that. Blimey.... good job I never posted my original crack about Holocaust on IMDB!
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