The 88 Films Thread
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11th April 2016, 11:50 AM
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Black Lodge
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The BBFC has been scissor happy with MAN FROM DEEP RIVER (1972), the forefather of the Italian cannibal film. We knew this when we took the, frankly, ballsy decision to pick this one up for the UK. This is partly why your friends here at 88 Films have invested in a mega edition of the movie that surely stands as one of the finest all round documents of the controversial Italian flesh-feasting genre. Whilst the BBFC has lopped away three sequences of real animal cruelty, we can offer a truly legendary meat munching edition nonetheless. First up is the 80 minute documentary ME ME LAI BITES BACK. Hailed by the lady herself and invited to play this year's Sitges Film Festival this is perhaps an even more in depth and concise look at the Italian cannibal cycle than EATEN ALIVE from our ZOMBI HOLOCAUST BD. A loving look at Me Me herself, this features extensive contributions from the actress as well as Eli Roth, Ruggero Deodato and more. In addition we have an exclusive and in depth chat with the iconic Mr. Umberto Lenzi, an extended on camera discussion of cannibal cinema with Eli Roth, director of the fabulous GREEN INFERNO and all round living legend, and a full length audio commentary by EATEN ALIVE director Calum Waddell. Plus a collector's booklet with a guide to every Italian cannibal flick ever. Those BBFC cuts may make your tummy turn but our edition of MAN FROM DEEP RIVER is sure to have you licking your lips.
Also there will be a slipcase, strictly limited to the first 250 Blu-ray orders directly from our website. Anyone who has already preordered will receive one.
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs
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