Thread: Severin Films
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Old 17th April 2016, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
Don't know if anyone's seen it, but Severin are accusing 88 of breaching their contract by selling it to US customers, and encouraging people to seek refunds. Not that they have any clue what's in 88's contract. Looks like they're just trying to get people to buy theirs instead. Tbh, I think it's a bit of a scumbag move considering Severin sells their titles to the UK direct from their site, and I doubt they have UK rights to all their films.
It seems like a common trait among American labels. They must have bitched and moaned about their US competitors for so long they think it's common practice outside their country too.

Besides when you look at the US / Canada / Central American market what will a couple of hundred (if that) sales from Britain do? Nothing.
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